What is sunburn? A look at what happens to your skin

What is sunburn? A look at what happens to your skin=


Sunburn symptoms and what they mean:

The signs and symptoms of a sunburn usually manifest as pain and are your body's attempt to repair the damage caused by the burn (2). Sunburn peeling, sunburn blisters, and sunburn itch are all signs you've caused severe damage to your skin.
The peeling often associated with severe sunburns is your body's way of getting rid of the damaged cells. This is necessary because sun damaged cells are at risk of becoming cancerous. Even though new layers of skin form, some damage remains, and there can be an increased risk of skin cancer (2).
Not only does this greatly increase your risk for deadly melanoma, but this leads to faster aging. UV damage is responsible for 90% of visible age signs (like wrinkles) that appear on your face, so remember that next time you think about tanning.

What is sunburn poisoning?

Otherwise known as sun sick or sun poisoning, sunburn poisoning is when your sunburn is so severe that you experience the following symptoms:
  • Extreme blistering or peeling
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Intense pain and tingling
  • Chills
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Swelling
  • Headaches

How to get rid of a sunburn

Although there are many blog posts about treating sunburns filled with so-called "sunburn remedies", there is no way to undo the underlying damage. If you have a sunburn, you can ease your pain and help skin heal quicker by properly hydrating both inside and outside, but your risk for cancer and age signs don't diminish along with the sunburn symptoms.
The most important thing is to prevent the sunburn in the first place.


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