
Showing posts from April, 2019

Hair loss Causes, Myths and Homeopathic treatment

Hair loss Causes, Myths and Homeopathic treatment                                           Alopecia is medical term for hair loss. There are many types of hair loss with different symptoms and causes. In Hindi it is also known as ‘Ganjapan’. It may be diffused or localized to one or several areas on the scalp. This may be associated with many other disorders. It may be scarring or non- scarring. Adult male pattern baldness is most commonly seen. It is also kown as androgenic alopecia. It is caused due to genetics and is associated with male sex hormones testosterone. Main causes of Alopecia or Hair loss                                                         A type of alopecia which is temporary type known as  telogen effluvium  is also seen in various cases like severe illness after childbirth and stress. Telogen Effluvium is the second most common form of hairl oss. In this condition there is thinning of hair due to lesser growth but more fall. This can be cause
Pediatric Common Skin Disorders There are many common skin disorders that require the clinical care of a physician or other healthcare professional.                                            Common skin conditions are grouped into the following categories: What are fungal infections? Skin fungi live in the top layer of skin cells in moist areas of the body, such as between the toes or in the groin and diaper area. Sometimes, the normal balances that keep fungi in check are upset, resulting in an infection. Some fungal infections cause only a small amount of irritation, while other types penetrate deeper and can cause itching, swelling, blistering, or scaling. In some cases, fungal infections can cause reactions elsewhere on the body. A child can develop a rash on the finger or hand associated with an infection of the scalp or foot, for instance. Tinea Infections (Ringworm) What is ringworm (tinea infection)? Different fungi, depending on their locati

Importance Of Voting: Why Should Every Citizen Vote?

Importance Of Voting: Why Should Every Citizen Vote? Voting  is a fundamental right of any citizen that enables them to choose the leaders of tomorrow. In many countries, the minimum age for voting is 18 years. Voting not only enables the citizens to vote for political parties, but it also helps them to realize the importance of citizenship. Many people do not vote thinking one vote will not make a change, but as a matter of fact, it does. A nation’s political foundations are built using elections. Benefits of Voting: Voting is a basic process that keeps a nation’s governmental system works. It enables the citizens to choose their own government. It also allows the people to choose their representatives in the government. The purpose of every government is to develop and implement various policies for the benefit of its citizens. It also enables the person with the right to question the government about issues and clarifications. Voting is the way to express the opinio


HOW DRINKING MORE WATER CAN HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT You’ve probably heard it more than once: drinking more water will help you lose more weight. But does water really help weight loss? The short answer is yes. Drinking water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight. What can you do to make sure you’re drinking the recommended eight to ten eight-ounce glasses per day to keep yourself hydrated and encourage weight loss? STEP 1: DRINK BEFORE YOU EAT Because water is an appetite suppressant, drinking it before meals can make you feel fuller, therefore reducing the amount of food you eat. Health resource website WebMD states that drinking water before meals results in an average reduction in intake of 75 calories per meal. Drinking water before just one meal per day would cause you to ingest 27,000 few

7 Tips on How to Make Moving Less Stressful

7 Tips on How to Make Moving Less Stressful Move enough, and you start to notice a familiar pattern to the process. There are the initial days of excitement, when you’re gathering packing supplies and  moving boxes  and psyching yourself up for a couple days of hard work. Then the hard work starts, and you realize that everything you thought would take ten minutes is actually going to take thirty, and everything you thought would take an hour is actually going to take five.                                       Finally, moving day arrives, a long, sweaty day of heavy lifting and the occasional last minute hiccup. When all is said and done, you sit back in your new home and relax for a second before you look around at your boxes and realize just how much is left to be done. Meanwhile, life – jobs, kids, pets, etc. – continues to require your attention, and the internet company just said they won’t be able to get your service set up for another week. Is it any wonder t

The Do’s and Dont’s of Summer Skincare: 5 Tips To Keep Your Skin Glowing

The Do’s and Dont’s of Summer Skincare: 5 Tips To Keep Your Skin Glowing =                                       Summer is officially in full swing and if you are anything like me, then you are spending long days outside soaking up the sun before it gets cold out! Busy days at the pool, hiking and spending time with friends & family can make it easy to forget about your  summer skincare regiment . That being said, here at Latika we want you to know that taking care of your skin is just as important in the summer as it is during the other seasons. From sunburns and sweat, to the extra dry indoor atmospheres created by air conditioning, the summer brings a whole different set of problems to protect your skin from. That is why we want to share our  pro-tips for keeping your skin healthy  and glowing all summer long! Here are a few of our do’s and don’t’s when it comes to summertime skincare:                                                DO  drink lots of water! Dur

7 Summer Hair Loss QUESTIONS ?

7 Summer Hair Loss QUESTIONS ? 1 Question:  Will wearing a hat or baseball cap cause thinning hair and hair loss? Answer:  Not only is this myth not true, hats actually help protect your scalp and hair from sun damage. However, wearing a  dirty hat  can lead to a scalp infection, which in turn can accelerate hair loss. Some people wear hats to hide thinning or balding hair. For adults experiencing hair loss, there are many hair regrowth treatments available. Many are specifically designed to treat female and male hair loss. #2 Question:  Does using sunscreen on my scalp make my hair thin or cause it to fall out? Answer:  Absolutely not! If you have thinning hair or have a bald spot, it is very important that you use sunscreen to prevent sunburn or damage to your scalp. #3 Question:  Will swimming in chlorine or salt water cause my hair to dry out or fall out? Answer:  There are many causes for thinning hair and hair loss including genetics, swimming in saltw

Understanding Dandruff

Understanding Dandruff A lot of people think dandruff is a product of poor hygiene. Hence, many of us feel quite embarrassed getting the “flakes” as we discreetly dust them off our shoulders. But this is a false analogy.                                         Like any scalp condition, dandruff is brought about by various factors. Typically, dandruff occurs when the scalp’s biological balance is disturbed, and as a result sends the production of naturally occurring scalp fungus,  Malassezia globosa , into overdrive. It burrows deep into the hair follicle, irritating the scalp and causing it to shed dead skin cells faster than normal. In some cases, it triggers seborrheic dermatitis, particularly when the scalp is oily. Factors That Cause Dandruff Hormone Imbalance Hormones play a key role in our body’s oil production. Women, for instance, experience an upsurge in oil production when their estrogen level