Skin Rashes in Children


    Skin Rashes in Children Facts

    • rash is a reaction of the skin. It can be caused by many things, such as a reaction by contact to a skin irritant, a drug reaction, an infection, or an allergic reaction.
    • Many different agents can cause similar-appearing rashes because the skin has a limited number of possible responses. Very often the other associated symptoms or history, in addition to the rash, help establish the cause of the rash.
    • A history of tick bites, exposure to other ill children or adults, recent antibiotic use, environmental exposures, or prior immunizations are all important elements of the patient's history to help determine the cause of a skin rash in a child.
    • Most rashes caused by viruses do not harm a child and go away over time without any treatment. However, some childhood rashes have serious or even life-threatening causes.
    • Parents should be familiar with these rashes. Many rashes can look the same, making it difficult to know the exact diagnosis. See a doctor immediately for any concerns.


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