On this site we only look at treatments which we honestly believe work. We get to this stage by a number of factors. Researching people who have had the treatment, official studies, and using good old-fashioned common sense. We want to make sure that you get the right treatment as soon as you can, and make sure you don’t take a treatment which wastes your time. So can homeopathic acne remedies work?
What is Homeopathy?
Much of the time people use certain treatments without fully understanding what the process does. We believe it’s important to at least know the basics of a treatment before you start it. Essentially homeopathy works on the idea that like cures like. So a substance that causes the symptoms of the disease in the first place, can go on to heal the person. This is done by dilution. People who practice homeopathy believe the more a substance is diluted, the more powerful a medicine it is.
12 homeopathic medicines to treat acne
Tired of dealing with frequent acne or pimple breakouts? You could try homeopathic medicines for clearer skin.
1. Sulphur
- A very common remedy, especially for chronic acne
- Rough and hard skin
- Acne associated with comedones and constipation
- Acne that aggravates with water
- Pale, sickly colour of the skin
- Spotted redness of face with black pores
- Itching intensely in the evening and from warmth
2. Sanguinaria
- Useful remedy for acne, especially in women with scanty periods and irregular circulation of blood
- For women with sexual problems
- Burning sensations like from hot water; redness and burning of cheeks
- Sun headache especially on the right side
- Nasal polyps, coryza (inflammation of the mucous membrane) followed by diarrhoea
3. Kali bromatum
- General failure of mental power, melancholy, loss of memory
- Fidgety, fear of being poisoned, night terrors
- Suicidal, numb feeling in the head
- Vomiting with intense thirst after every meal
- Diabetic
- Exaggerated sexual desire in women; sexual excitement during partial slumber in men
4. Antimoniumcrudum
- Small red pimples in the face
- Excessive irritability and fretfulness
- Thickly coated white tongue
- Condition aggravated by heat and cold bathing
- Loss of appetite; desire for acidic foods and pickles
- Arthritic pain in fingers
- Continual drowsiness in old people
5. Arctiumlappa:
Long used in traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of acne, its effectiveness has been proven in homeopathic treatment of acne especially of the inflammatory type.
- Pimples on the head, face and neck
- Styes and ulceration on the edge of the eyelids
- Frequent urination
- Pain in all joints
- For women with uterine displacements
6. Natrummuriaticum
- Good remedy for acne, remedy acts on sebaceous glands
- Dry mucous membranes
- Great weakness and weariness
- In people with hyperthyroidism, goitre, diabetes, Addison’s disease
- Irritable, awkward, hasty, wants to be left alone, cries a lot
- Depression, especially due to chronic disease
- Shortness of breath, flow of tears with cough
- Greasy oily skin
- Nervous jerking with sleep
7. Asteriasrubens
- Indicated for flabby, lymphatic constitution; also indicated in people with breast cancer
- Disposition to pimples at adolescence
- Red face; pimples on side of nose, chin and mouth
- Axillary glands swollen, hard and knotty
- Symptoms worsen with coffee, at night, or cold damp weather
8. Belladonna
- Indicated in acne rosaceae
- Alternate redness and paleness of skin
- Dry, hot and swollen skin
- Restlessness; talks fast
- Acuteness of all senses
9. Nux vomica
- Typical remedy for rather thin, quick, active, nervous and irritable person
- Easily chilled; sensitive to all impressions
- Don’t want to be touched
- Yellowish about nose, mouth or eyes
10. Graphites
- Cobweb like sensation on the face
- Oozy and itching pimples
- Dry hard rough skin (face)
- Symptoms worse with warmth, before and after periods
- Symptom relief in a dark room
11. Calcareaphosphoricum
- Indicated in anaemic girls at puberty
- Headache and flatulent dyspepsia, relieved by eating
- Skin red, prickling like nettles after bath
12. Bovista
- Indicated for acne from the use of cosmetics, especially in summers
- Itchy skin especially in warm conditions
- Pale swelling of cheeks
- Restless, sad, easily offended