4 Ways To Reduce Winter Joint Pain Winter’s frigid temps can do more than nip at your nose. For people living with joint pain, freezing temperatures, combined with low barometric pressure and precipitation, only increase the discomfort. There are ways to effectively curb the intensity of achy, stiff joints and help to make winter’s chill more bearable. Remember, spring will come again, but in the meantime try these sensible suggestions - Keep an eye on the scale. Spending hours snuggled indoors is enjoyable, but your joints may pay the price. Inactivity can lead to weight gain , which puts added stress on already painful joints, like the knees. Orthopedic surgeon Timothy Ekpo, D.O. , says, “The saying ‘no pain, no gain’ is actually reversed for joint pain sufferers. It’s ‘no gain, no pain,’ or at least less of it. Even a weight gain of as little as five pounds can impact the degree of discomfort and stress on the joints.” Ke